

Jack Weinberg
Jack Weinberg has been working on Home Automation Systems for many years - starting with his own home! He has tried many different Home Automation Systems, and is convinced that the Samsung SmartThings platform is the most flexible platform which will meet most customer's needs. From lighting, to door locks, to thermostats, to leak sensors, to smoke detectors, Jack Weinberg has eperience and expertise in installing and making them meet a customers needs.


Jonathan Shields​​
Jonathan Shields is an expert at many facets of Home Automation. His technical skills include all areas of Home Automation from design to specifications to installations to troubleshooting. Another key skill is his ability to interface with clients in order to accurately meet their needs. Jonathan is the type of individual who will always “go the extra mile” to develop the right Home Automation solution for his clients.

What We Do

GTA Home Automation Inc. is a Toronto based provider of home automation equipment and services.